Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Wanted Man

This past week I've had the experience (both good and bad) of being wanted by two different divisions here at CR England. A girl upstairs is leaving, and my name was one of the first to come up. I believe this is mostly because in my current position I provide support for most divisions within the company so the managers are relatively familiar with me.

I talked to my boss about the situation, and he told me that the boss upstairs had already told him that he was coming after me. He then proceeded to sell me on my current job and all that goes along with that. He is a good guy--a man of his word--(and a good salesman), and I believe he is watching out for me. For this reason, and a few others (such as doing a whole lot more work for no extra pay), I decided to stay in my current position, where I already have a few projects I am working on for different people throughout the company.

I must admit that having people fight over me did give me a confidence boost, and make me aware of my standing within the company. This must be how all the popular girls in school felt when multiple guys would fight over them. If only I'd been able to experience this earlier. Not the part about being a popular girl, but about being a wanted man.

The "Wanted Man" vs. the "Pop-u-lar" girl (random, I know)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Mother's Mission

We invited my parents over to our house for dinner as a gift to my mom for Mother's Day. As we were talking my mom told us that she had signed up to serve a mission! I was extremely surprised, mostly because my dad always seemed like the more ambitious one, and my mom was always the one to stay behind the scenes and do her best to make sure the family stayed on the right side of the dysfunctional line. As we asked questions, we learned that my mom signed up to oversee people who go to the Deseret Mill in Kaysville to prepare their personal and family food storage items. My mom was a volunteer coordinator for years at Autumn Glow Sr. Citizens center in Kaysville, and she sure had a lot of coordinating to do while we were growing up, so I figure she will do a great job. I'm very proud of her for taking time to do this service for others and the Lord. She continues to be a great example to me of selfless service.