Friday, August 15, 2008

The Silent Majority

In Sunday School we had a very good lesson on the need to make your voice be heard. I may be the only one out there who didn't have this passage underlined, but when I looked it up it was just another factor that tells me that the Book of Mormon was written for us and definitely has application in our lives.

With all of the issues being debated within our country, there is so much press given to those who are the loudest, although if you were to poll every American these people would be in the minutest of minorities. Enter BoM: Mosiah 29:26. It is so true! Those of us who are not voicing our opinions on the moral issues are essentially voting for the other side.


Deidra said...

It's true. It seems I've become jaded and worn out with politics, but there is always a need for those with correct principles to speak up. It especially makes me think of this.

Josh and Jay said...

That is very true. I really like that scripture. We do need to make our voices be heard. Sometimes we just don't think that our little voice will make a difference. We never know unless we try...right?